

A Crisis in the Security Council is being prepared for this next saturday. Be Prepared, Be up to date on the news. How are the Central Asia countries doing? Is democracy withstanding ? Are the social and economic development of the people garanteed? Find Out and if not help solve it!! Be in the Security Council on Saturday!

Reserve your countries on the blog.

Past CSOI participants evaluations will be delivered this week.

6 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

Well, you have not told what countries will be represented next Saturday... but OK... Well, Thaís Félix would like to be representing FRANCE and I would like to be representing the Hellenic Republic (also known as GREECE).

Thanks a lot,


4:10 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I'd like to represent Denmark

6:04 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to represent Japan

10:32 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to represent Argentina.

10:36 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to represent Russia.

Enzo Lenine

7:01 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to represent Brazil

11:25 da tarde  

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