

Following the "Israel above the law" syndrome, the US is screaming at the North Korean Jong Ill Kim: "YOU ARE A TERRORIST," for having one nuclear bomb, while ignoring Israel with its 200-400 nuclear bombs. (By Mustafa Rahmeh (Alittihad, 5/21/03).


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PS: We will be having a slightly different dinamic in the beginning of the Session. It won't be all simulation exercises and practice.

'Till Saturday y'all!

1 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

There is a difference between a state that is so small as Israel and has been at war 4 times when its neighbors tried to eliminate it and N. Korea, a rogue state that is not to be trusted. China too has nukes, Pakistan, India--wh not mention them?

2:34 da tarde  

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