

A simulação de sábado próxima já está decidida. O tópico baseia-se no relatório do Secretário Geral "In larger freedom" e se entitula "Freedom to live in dignity". Os subtópicos serão: Rule of Law, Human Rights, Democracy. Recomenda-se ler as páginas 34 a 40 do relatório cujo link se encontra ao lado deste post.

The simulation will be in English as it is part of the training for Americas Model United Nations ( AMUN). The country list is United States of America, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Japn, Greece, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Marroco, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, Russia, China, Indonesia, South Africa, Sudan.

Reserve your countries through the post.

5 Comentários:

Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to be Brazil.

Cecília Umetsu

11:34 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to be New Zealand and Priscila would like to be Poland.


1:24 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would like to be an European country, in fact, FRANCE!

Juliana Gomes

8:51 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

I would LOVE to be Argentina, but I couldn't find her name listed. Too bad I won't be able to make it this time. :P

Just kidding.

Best regards,

Guilherme Casarões

6:19 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

Costa Rica,please.

Nádia Maki.

8:15 da tarde  

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