

The weekly meeting has been altered from Saturday to Sunday EXCEPTIONALLY this week. The “Calouros” Barbecue will happen on Saturday and we figured most would not want to miss either event as the barbecue is traditional and as AMUN is coming up.

As it is an extraordinary day for the meeting we have also decided to have a different exercise instead of the regular simulation. We will be training our speeches. We will have several “dinâmicas” and believe it will be enjoyable for all.

CSOI secretaries.



Following the "Israel above the law" syndrome, the US is screaming at the North Korean Jong Ill Kim: "YOU ARE A TERRORIST," for having one nuclear bomb, while ignoring Israel with its 200-400 nuclear bombs. (By Mustafa Rahmeh (Alittihad, 5/21/03).


Posted by Hello

PS: We will be having a slightly different dinamic in the beginning of the Session. It won't be all simulation exercises and practice.

'Till Saturday y'all!



Decidido está !

Saturday's simulation will be the 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS (NPT) ( versão 30 dias da cúpula árabe )

The Topic is the "Implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"
Please for information refer to the available official documents or Press Releases Country reservation can be made through the blog.

USA, Belgium, UK, Romania, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Haiti, France, Russia, Philipinnes, Iraq, China, Iran, Lybia, Brazil, Greece, North Korea.



Recent event in world affairs:

"The 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) will be held from 2 to 27 May 2005 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The President-elect of the Review Conference is Ambassador Sérgio de Queiroz Duarte of Brazil."



A simulação de sábado próxima já está decidida. O tópico baseia-se no relatório do Secretário Geral "In larger freedom" e se entitula "Freedom to live in dignity". Os subtópicos serão: Rule of Law, Human Rights, Democracy. Recomenda-se ler as páginas 34 a 40 do relatório cujo link se encontra ao lado deste post.

The simulation will be in English as it is part of the training for Americas Model United Nations ( AMUN). The country list is United States of America, Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Japn, Greece, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Marroco, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, Russia, China, Indonesia, South Africa, Sudan.

Reserve your countries through the post.


CSOI anuncia a eleição do novo secretáriado neste sábado último.

Ana Janaina - Secretária de Comunicação
Alan Somaio - Secretário administrativo
Flávio Campos - Secretário de Treinamento
João Vargas - Secretário de Relações Institucionais

Estiveram presentes na eleição além dos quatro

Pedro Tarisse, Carlos Augusto, Cecília Umetsu, André Mourão, Ricardo Poletto, Leandro Coelho e Rafael Ferrari.

Muito choro e emoção na eleição extremamente acirrada