Nepal's hidden tragedy: Children caught in the conflict

Caught in the violence that has plagued the country for over 10 years, Nepal's children have become the often-overlooked victims of the ongoing strife, their plight exacerbated by poverty and abuse.
Nepal today has a shot at ending the 10-year old armed insurgency of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and achieving durable peace. Towards the end of April 2006, after almost three-weeks of a general strike and street protests around the nation against direct royal rule, King Gyanendra gave up executive powers of state, which he had assumed in February 2005, restored the last Parliament and allowed the formation of a government composed of the Parliamentary parties.
According to a UN human rights monitoring mission established in Nepal, breaches of international humanitarian law by the Maoists include continued use of children within the People's Liberation Army, despite denials by the Maoists that they were recruiting children under 18. While children have been arrested and tortured on suspicion of being linked to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), numerous juveniles are currently in detention under anti-terrorist legislation by the state authorities. Meanwhile, there is also evidence of children being used by the Royal Nepalese Army as informants or spies.
Come, lets debate this in the New Human Rights Commission. Pick your country
*United Kingdom
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