Illegal Immigration in USA

The Centro de Simulação de Organismos Internacionais (CSOI)
Will model this Sunday from 12 PM to 4 PM an informal debate in the White House on the Senate and House immigration Bill.
Context of the discussion: The White House has invited the following people to discuss informally both bills presented in the legislative branch of the American Government in an attempt to reach an agreement and avoid the delaying process through which it has been put, so that a decision can be reached while still in the present legislative year.
*Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI)
*Duncan Hunter(R-CA)
*Thomas Tancredo (R-CO)
*Arlen Specter (R-PA)
*John McCain (R-AZ)
*Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
*The Coalition for the Future American Worker.
*Americans for Immigration Control
*"We Are America" Coalition
*Hermandad Mexicana Nacional
Hosting the Meeting will be President George H.W. Bush and Michael Chertoff Secretary of Homeland Security. Please reserve the participant you wish to be.
2 Comentários:
Choose who you would like me to be. I need practice as delegate!!
I will represent Jim Sensenbrenner
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